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HomeHelaina Rivers Highlights

Helaina Rivers – Going for a World Cup Racer


Helaina is excited to be a member of the 2022-2023 NBS A Team. NBS A Team members train 4 or more days a week and are a part of a competitive race program. They compete in multiple events throughout the year and usually attend camps outside of the regular season. 


Helaina is a member of the NBS Mid-West Region - Jazz-Ma-Tazz Ski Club. She has attended the NBS Summits from 2008 to 2022. Helaina is a proud member of the Spyder Class 2 Scholarship Program. She has been skiing for 13 years and competing for 9 years. She attends The Holderness School located in Holderness, New Hampshire and she participates in their ski program. 


Helaina attended the Copper Mountain Spring 2022 Camp for 10 days that took place from May 27 through June 6. Below is the Camp’s impact which helped to improve her skiing:

  • I became more confident in both Slalom and GS Courses after my injury which prevented me from training for the rest of the ski season 
  • I worked on moving my hands forward even more in GS courses which also helped my slalom skiing improve
  • I focused on drills which helped me have higher edge angles in and out of the course


During the 2021-2022 ski season Helaina participated in the following races:


  • Gunstock, New Hampshire 1/10/2022 13th place 
  • Gunstock, New Hampshire 1/10/2022 17th place 


Note: Due to being injured Helaina was only able to compete in the above races 


In the words of Helaina “The NBS OSF Scholarship and Spyder has allowed me to attend coached ski camps and ski training. The scholarship has helped with prices for my ski training and has allowed me to keep moving up. The NBS OSF Scholarship has helped me to continue pursuing my dream to compete in competitive ski racing.”


Helaina’s three goals for the 2022-2023 upcoming season are: 


  1. Focusing on becoming a faster skier 
  2. Moving my body forward through the transition of the turn
  3. Training my body to limit the chances of injury


Helaina’s goal is to be the best she can be in school and to work hard on becoming a better skier overall. Her ultimate achievements would be to compete in the Olympics for skiing and become a World Cup Racer.  Her long-term goal is to pursue a career in Marine Biology.