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HomeJayna Davis Highlights

Jayna Davis – Exceling in Alpine Skiing


Jayna is thrilled and proud to be a member of the 2022-2023 NBS A Team and a member of the Spyder Scholarship recipient. NBS A Team members train four or more days a week and are part of a competitive race program. They compete in multiple events throughout the year and usually attend camps outside of the regular season.


Jayna is a member of the NBS Rocky Mountain Region – Slippers-N-Sliders Ski Club. She has been skiing for 13 years and competing for 10 years. She attends Holderness School in Holderness, New Hampshire and participates in their ski program.


In the words of Jayna: The NBS is an environment I feel safe and welcome in by all the other athletes and workers. I have been able to meet so many new people that will encourage me to continue and help me exceed in my skiing career. I have taken my ski racing to the next level by attending Holderness School. I have been able to balance my school life but also continue being the best skier I can be. The NBS has helped me find myself through skiing. I want to be able to inspire future athletes of color in snow sports and the NBS helps me get closer to that goal. Being an athlete of color is a hard job, but with the right support I will be able to continue to get better. Skiing is not a cheap sport especially when you only have one parent providing at such a high cost. Receiving this scholarship will lift the stress off my mom and I so I can be more focused on school and skiing. I enjoy being a part of the NBS and I want to continue doing more for diversity on the mountain.


Jayna attended 2022 the Copper Mountain Spring 2022 Camp for 10 days that took place starting May 27 thru June 6. Below is the Camp’s impact to improving her skiing:


  • Focused on drills that help me before starting the course or a race.   
  • Worked on progressing my speed and tackling terrain.
  • Finding pressure on my outside ski and creating edge angle even through tough terrain.



During the 2021-2022 ski season Jayna participated in the following races:


  • Gunstock Mountain Resort GS 1/10/22 23rd place
  • Macomber Cup SL 1/21/22 29th place
  • Lafoley Spring Series/Mittersill GS 3/4/22 26th place
  • Lafoley Spring Series/Proctor SL 3/5/22 33rd place


Jayna’s long term goal is to go to college and ski competitively. In addition, she hopes to excel in Alpine skiing. By improving her skill level, she eventually wants to race as a National/Olympic athlete.


Jayna’s three goals for the 2022-2023 upcoming season are:

  • To make it to the Eastern Regionals this winter season
  • Have a better workout schedule and smarter diet
  • Work on the mental piece and start journaling my days of training