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Julien Loriaux – Working to be a Better Alpine Skier


Julien is thrilled to be a member of the 2022-2023 Team NBS. He is a member of the Slippers-N-Sliders Ski Club in the NBS Rocky Mountain Region. Julien is 13 years old. He started skiing at age 2 and has been skiing for 11 years and competing for 7 years. Julien is a member of the Timberline Alpine Race Program (TARP) in Oregon.


Julien attended the NBS Summit in Snowmass in 2022 and the NBS Summit in Vail for the NBS 50th Anniversary. He enjoys attending the Summits because he meets and builds relationships with other Team NBS athletes.


During the 2021-2022 ski season, he trained 3 up to 4 days a week. In addition, Julien attended the PV Alpine Camp for 7 days and 4 weeks/20 days in Timberline, OR.


For the 2021-2022 season, below are some of Julien’s race results:

  • 3rd PlaceMt Hood Ski BowlMen Slalom2/26/2022
  • 16th PlaceMission Ridge Ski ResortMen Giant Slalom3/27/2022


Julien is now a member of the USSA and will participate some of their races during the 2022-2023 season.


For the upcoming 2022-2023 season, Juliane wants to:

  • Race in more Super G (Super Giant Slalom) events
  • Get more experience at larger USSA sanctioned races
  • Achieve top 10 finishes at the larger races and get more consistent results


At the age of 13, Julien’s long-term goals and what he wants to achieve in the sport is to continue learning to be a better, life-long skier/racer.